Is MCA a good fit for my family?

Do you value community?

MCA is committed to connecting families through supplemental and enrichment programs through Co-op and extracurricular activities.

Would you like the comfort of knowing you are covered by a Christian umbrella in accordance with State laws,that offers counseling, feedback, and experience when it comes to homeschooling?

Our mission is to allow parents to take responsibility for their children’s education, support them in this  journey,  to promote an accurate perception of the home school education, and strive to maintain a standard of excellence.

What is your homeschooling style?

MCA firmly believes families have the freedom to explore and determine what style best suits their children.

Do you require minimum accountability or do you appreciate firm and frequent accountability?

MCA families are required to yield progress reports mid (school) year as well as turn in grades at end of year with attendance.

Would you like the freedom to choose your own curriculum?

MCA does not choose your child’s curriculum, however we can help guide families to ensure it is state approved and that it suits your child’s learning style.

Do you require flexibility?

MCA understands the need or desire to be flexible in teaching and training your child. As long as requirements are met, parents are free to create their own schedules.

Do both parents work outside of the home?

MCA requires that at least one parent must NOT work outside of home to be available to oversee the education of their child or children.